Thursday, April 29, 2010

Checklist for Reading Readiness/ Reflection

Reading comprehension and reading strategies are the keys to success in reading. Early diagnosis of learning disabilities is crucial to helping with the skills of reading. Here's a checklist to determine if your child/student is at an expected level of development.
1. ____ The child enjoys being read to and has expressed an interest in favorite books.

2. ____ The child is able to sit a listen to stories being read to him/her and takes an interest in the illustrations.

3. ____ The child pretends to read by holding the book correctly, turns the pages and makes reference to the story from memory and from the pictures.

4. ____ The child recognizes his/her own name and knows some of the letters of the alphabet.

5. ____ When prompted, the child recalls events in the story.

6. ____ The child enjoys participating in songs, chimes, chants, poems and storybook times.

7. ____ The child chimes in on familiar or predictable stories.

8. ____ When prompted the child can distinguish the beginning, middle and end of the story.

9. ____ Some children will have sound-symbol correspondence, they'll know that the 'B' is what the word ball begins with.

10.____ Is beginning to recognize similarities and differences between stories or characters.

If you've checked most of the boxes, there's nothing to worry about.

I checked most of the boxes listed, so I feel that my subject is on the right track to begin reading.

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